Meeting Summary February 1, 2017

Meeting Summary February 1, 2017

Palm Beach Sheriff’s Office Captain Diberardino gave us the good news that last month there were no thefts from cars in our district. However there has been a number of high end cars stolen in gated communities. He advised us once again to lock our vehicle’s doors and keep valuables out of sight.

Fire/ Rescue Chief Doug McGlynn made us aware that carbon monoxide poisoning is now more of a problem due to push button ignitions becoming prevalent on new cars. Stickers to be placed on doorways leading from the garage to the house reminding us to assure our ignitions have been turned off are available from both Fire/Rescue and the Sheriff’s Office.

County Commissioner Mary Lou Berger told us that a traffic light has been approved for Hagen Ranch Road and Gateway although it can take up to a year and a half to get installed.

State Senator Rader surveyed the audience and found that the overwhelming majority wanted to see the red light cameras gone.

State Attorney Dave Aronberg told us that heroin is deadlier than in the past because it is now mixed with fentanyl and carfentanil which are cheap, powerful painkillers that come in from China. Users don’t know that the heroin they are using contains these additives. They are cheaper than straight heroin, give a bigger high and is often deadly. Palm Beach County gets more than 20 overdoses a day accounting for more than one death every day. He also told us that there are approximately 800 sober homes in Delray Beach alone, many owned by unscrupulous individuals who cause an increase in overdoses. Some sober homes offer free plane trips to Florida as well as money or items such asscooters or cigarettes, which is illegal. Theses perks allow the operators to cause an increase in overdoses. The sober home operators more than recoup their expenses through insurance payments. Soberhomes are not regulated as they offer no medical help.

Captain Eric Coleman, Commander of the Narcotics Bureau ofthe PBSO made us aware that in 2016 the Sheriff’s Office responded to 1300overdoses which accounted for 242 deaths. Nine hundred and seventy of these cases were people under 35 years old.

Former State Senator Maria Sachs discussed human trafficking. Runaways flock to Palm Beach County because of the ocean and the weather. When their money runs out they are taken advantage of and begin paying with their bodies. She would like to see the homes and motels of human traffickers seized and turned into sanctuaries and other assets used to help victims.

The next meeting of the Delray Alliance will be on Wednesday, March 1, 2017. The featured speaker will be Assistant County Administrator Faye Outlaw who will make us aware of area development and infill of the Atlantic Avenue Corridor. In addition to this interesting and informative subject there will be status reports from County Administrators and elected officials as wellas other information vital to communities. Doors open at 9:00 AM when refreshments are served. The meetings begin at 9:30AM and are always concluded by 11:30AM The public is invited and welcome.



Stan Goodman – VicePresident and Acting Recording Secretary